Go to a Super Mario Brothers (and Sonic the Hedgehog) puzzle page >

Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Super Mario World Slots" game > Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Miniature Mario" game >

Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Super Mafia Bros." game > Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Mario's Adventure" game > Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Super Mario Sunshine 64" game > Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Infinite Mario Bros." game > Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Paper Mario World (W1)" game > Play the "Super Mario Brothers: New Super Mario Flash" game > If this game doesn't work on your machine, you may need to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. There is a Save Game option between levels that works fine, but you must play the game in this website again in order to be able to load previously saved data. There have been 4 likes from 7 votes on this game.See the game for details of how to play, paying particular attention to the controls for the "Super Jump". Save the princess, get those fire flowers, blast away and look good after! Foil your arch-nemesis in this never-ending battle between good and evil.

Mario X World Deluxe brings you the old school mix with a little bit of the new. This game indeed brings another feature to the already popular video games. Moving platforms, green metal pipes leading you to another world. The game is accompanied by familiar music - nostalgia would sure hit you in waves. Finish each level by jumping through a goal post and get the highest score. Do not fall on pits, as this spells doom for your character. Collect coins and green mushrooms to add more lives. Mario now has a special twirling move that protects him from other environmental hazards in addition to jumping. Jump over the minions or collect power-ups and hit them with your best shot. Starting with a top-down view of the world, unlock more once you finish each level. The worlds are being taken over again by Bowser, and it is up to you to save it from his evil plans. Play as the lovable Mario or choose between Luigi and other popular characters in this action-adventure. Play as the world-renowned plumber, Mario X World Deluxe - A 2D platformer that brings you to the adventure of Mario and the Gang.